Roof Inspections

We use the latest technology in drones to conduct leak location reports for roofs on homes and buildings. This not only makes it safer, but also more efficient.

We inspect all types of roofs including the roof cavity, damages and the internal/external boundary and provide roof inspection reports.

With highly skilled and professional workers in our team, we are the experts in inspections of all kinds of roofs including metal, concrete, tiled and wooden. We will check the roof thoroughly from interior to exterior and also inspect all hidden and damaged parts properly.

With our report, we provide photos of any damage and other parts in need of repair, for a better understanding of the problem. We provide a detailed report on the condition of your roof including minor problems which may not be visible to the naked eye.

All our technicians are up to date with any OH&S certificates needed, where applicable, and carry all insurances relevant to their field. Our professional services take all appropriate safety precautions possible such as wearing safety harnesses to ensure not only our own safety, but also your home to stay safe during the inspection process.

Drones are equipped to get up close with inaccessible areas and provide high resolution images. It is also logistically simpler, faster and cheaper.

Overhead view of roof inspecting water leakPlumber inspecting roof for leaks

Our qualified team will attend and carry out spray testing to positively identify roof leak location.

We also investigate water penetrating from external areas such as windows and doors.

Water entry in window sillSpraying water on window sill testing for leaks